
I just wanted to share with teachers the wonderful website I discovered on an excellent course entitled, ‘Flipping the Classroom’, which was led by Mark Anderson recently in London.

I am always pleased if I gain just one good usable idea from any professional development opportunity, as I never seem to put anything into practice if I am overwhelmed by excellent ideas. And this is what I discovered: Edpuzzle!


This amazing website is entirely free to register with, and allows teachers to take video tutorials that they have either created themselves or found on such sites as Youtube, and customise them by inserting questions, explanations and so on. The Edpuzzles can then be assigned to particular classes and the teacher can monitor the progress of each student as they complete the Edpuzzle. It allows teachers to see how many questions their students have answered correctly and when they accessed the Edpuzzle – and questions requiring a free answer can be marked by the teacher on-line. You can also put a link to an Edpuzzle in any resource you create, so thay anyone who has registered with the site can also gain access to the tutorials. It is very intuitive to use and if you contact the developers of the site, their help is timely and very useful. I have started turning all of my videos into Edpuzzles, which I then link through icons to my workbooks.

Here is an example of an Edpuzzle I have made recently using one of my own video tutorials which you can view by registering with the site (click on the icon):

edpuzzle icon

I hope you find this site as inspirational as I have!

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