
My Yonde Kaite primary teaching workbooks are available to purchase online directly from Australia. You can also purchase them from me in the UK (with much faster delivery times) using the online enquiry form here.

The Fun Way To Learn Japanese!

The Yonde Kaite series features six Primary Workbooks, a Secondary Beginners Workbook and three Teachers’ Resource Books.

This contemporary and playful series has fostered a love of Japanese learning in Australia for over 20 years. With striking manga-style illustrations and a clear, vibrant layout, the Yonde Kaite series is the go-to Japanese-learning resource for Australian primary students and teachers.

Begin the journey today with Yonde Kaite mascots Pipi-chan and Fifi-chan, your guides to fun language instruction!

For more information please click here.


7 thoughts on “Primary”

  1. I have a student who just moved to Texas. He took Japanese his 9th and 10th grade years. I was wanting to know if your program would prepare him to take Japanese abinitio?
    Kind regards

    • Hi Beverly,
      If you mean the IB (International Baccalaureate) ab initio, then you should use the workbooks which are in the IB section of the website:
      These workbooks are designed specifically to support the IB ab initio programme.
      Best wishes,

  2. Hi Anne,
    My schools are interested in beginning your Yonde Kaite program and purchasing the workbooks for each student. The link to Insight doesn’t seem to be working. Please advise.

    • Hi Peta,
      Not sure what is going there, but I will contact them and try and find out!
      Best wishes,

  3. My name is Kae Sato-Goodsell.
    I am wondering if this webpage owner is Anne Rajakumar.

    If you are, please email me.

    Kind Regards,

    • Hi Kae,
      I have only just noticed your message! How are you!! Are you still living in MElbourne. It’s hard to believe that I have lived in the UK for nearly 15 years now! Let’s keep in touch.
      Best wishes,

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